books that help

 in this page we have some important books that reinforce what we learned. There are also books written by professionals in the field of video games.

 Book #01: The Game Maker's Apprentice: Game Development for Beginners (Book & CD)
If you want to learn the craft of making computer games, then you've come to the right place. This book, and companion CD, provide all you need to create your own games  using Game Maker.

It introduces beginners of all ages to the art of creating computer games. All the graphics, sound effects, and music you'll need are included to put together no less than nine professional-looking games!

Game Maker allows you to begin creating games almost immediately, using a simple drag-and-drop system that makes learning to program much easier than traditional programming languages.

This book brings together the expertise of Game Maker's creator with a former professional game developer to present a complete guide to designing and programming games that are fun to play. 

The authors' passion and enthusiasm for game development really shine through in The Game Maker's Apprentice, and you'll soon discover that the process of creating games can be just as fun as actually playing them!

     If you are interested  ,you can buy this book here

Table of Contents: 
 Part 1: Getting Started
 1: Welcome to Game Maker
2: Your First Game: Devilishly Easy
Part 2: Action Games
3: Events and Actions: A Galaxy of Possibilities
4: Target the Player: It's Fun Being Squished
5: Game Design: Interactive Challenges
Part 3: Level Design
6: Inheriting Events: Mother of Pearls
7: Maze Games: More Cute Things in Peril
8: Game Design: Levels and Features 

Part 4: Multi-Player Games
9: Cooperative Games: Flying Planes
10: Competitive Games: Playing Fair with Tanks
11: Game Design: Balance in Multi-Player Games
Part 5: Enemies and Intelligence
12: GML Programming
13: Clever Computers: Playing Tic-Tac-Toe
14: Intelligent Behavior: Animating the Dead
15: Final Words
                           you can buy this book here

Book #02: The Game Maker's Companion
This book  is the long-awaited sequel to The Game Maker's Apprentice: the beginner's guide to game development that has become a staple of the bedrooms and classrooms of hobbyist game developers all around the world.
You’ll go on to discover techniques to add depth and believability to the characters and stories in your games, including The Monomyth, cut scene storyboarding, and character archetypes.

This culminates in the creation of an original atmospheric platform-adventure which will take your GML programming skills to new heights.

There’s even a handy reference section at the back of the book which will be invaluable for adding common features to your own games.

If you are interested in this book, you can buy it here.

Please visit this page to see other video games books .